Interactive Motion Comic

Visual Design Project


This project started with a combination of a character model, a math equation, and a song. I was just sketching some stuff and I liked this one so I decided to expand apon it. The story itself is based around an old comic scipt I wrote for ungrad called “Ink” which was more of a murder / horror story. This version is toned down by comparison and was meant for a teen audience.


Sketch Pages

Below are the sketch sheets for my main character, Penn. Her name is a direct pull from the comic script. It’s a personal nod to its origin. There’s also some weirder experiment sketches peppered through-out. These were mostly to see if I could match the style with other characters.

Final Models

Central Character

When I originally colored her, I noticed that the sweatshirt drew all attention instead of her face. I swapped colors until I ended up with one that made her face the focal point.

The main colors I used with the final design are repeated through-out the sample pages and carried over to other characters, especally the metallics and muted tones. The goal was to make all the different designs and environments feel cohesive and linked in the same world.


Supporting Character

My secondary character is based and named off a friend of mine named Elizabeth. She absolutley hates the name Izzy, so it seemed like a fitting name for her. Shes meant to be more of a plot device character, but she does have her own small arc and backstory.

Her design was meant to complement Penn’s as far as fashion is concerned. Shes meant to be a figure that Penn looks up to and immitates.



Sample Page A

This was a really fun illustration to create. It was a test to see how far I could push the warped style choice for the project.

Sample Page B

This was the second trial page. The thought process was to get a more intense close shot that wasnt action based like the first.


Landing Page

While still available for desktop and tablet, I decided to focus on mobile as I imagined this project would be viewed far more heavily on mobile than anything else.


Sample Choice


F & F